The Glenwood Post Independent’s Feb. 11 Student Spotlight by Will Grandbois featured CMC Isaacson School for New Media student Thang Khan Sian Khai and is reprinted below.

Thang Khan Sian Khai, known to his friends as Sian Khai, 19, grew up in Myanmar and came to the United States two years ago to attend Colorado Mountain College’s Isaacson School for New Media. His passion for documentary has only grown and he has even found an attachment to Colorado.
As he nears the completion of the degree, he agreed to a short interview about his experiences. His latest project, a short film titled “The Untouchable Skin”, is below:
The Untouchable Skin from Thang Khan Sian Khai on Vimeo.
Post Independent: Tell me a little about Myanmar.
Sian Khai: The country was under a military government from 1988 to 2011. After that, they decided they wanted a democratic system, but it’s still in the process. There have been a lot of improvements. [fontawesome icon=”arrow-circle-o-right” size=”14px” color=”#0063b6″] Click for full article