Voters chose “No Barriers” in the CMC Foundation’s scholarship-naming poll

Colorado Mountain College Foundation is pleased to announce the results of our recent Name the Scholarship contest. Following announcements we placed on CMC’s staff email, eNews and Facebook page, 39 CMC employees submitted great 100 names for this exciting new scholarship—for which we will soon begin to raise funds.
A committee of 12 staff members then narrowed the names down to the top five, and a poll we placed on eNews last week (that we also promoted via email and Facebook) revealed the top names.
The winning scholarship name, “No Barriers,” was submitted by Cristina Flores, Administrative Assistant for the Office of Student Affairs in Central Services. The runner up was Rebecca Arrington, Assistant to the Aspen Campus CEO, who suggested “Student Opportunity Scholarship.”
Congratulations, Cristina and Rebecca! With our thanks and appreciation for your participation and creativity, the Foundation office will give Christina and Rebecca each a gift certificate to their favorite local restaurant. Look for more updates about this important new scholarship that the Foundation is creating—in hopes that our students will have “No Barriers” to taking classes at CMC!