Star Clusters and nebulae and planets… Oh my!
It all started with a fundraiser. Screamboat, a haunted house production put on by students in Steamboat Springs, helped raise enough money for the campus’ Sky Club to take a well-deserved field trip to the Mt. Wilson Observatory in California.
On November 13th, Sky Club rented out the Mt. Wilson Observatory for the biggest star party of the year. Less than .001% of the earth’s population even get the privileged of looking through a telescope of this magnitude. Students were able to use the 60 inch telescope for a whole 24 hours. Not only were stars, planets, suns, and moons visible to these lucky students but most of the clusters seen were actually being viewed as they appeared millions of years ago.
CMC Steamboat blogger, Ben Saheb, tells about this spectacular trip to California and how looking through the largest rent-able public telescope in the world was life changing: Sky Club Goes to California and Mt. Wilson Observatory