Public art sculptor Madeline Wiener speaks at Glenwood Center June 17

Madeline Wiener
The Brooks College of Health Sciences in Jacksonville, Florida commissioned Madeline Wiener to create a sculpture titled “Healing Place.”

GLENWOOD SPRINGS – The artist who is creating a life-sized public sculpture this summer on Sixth Street in Glenwood Springs will visit Colorado Mountain College Glenwood Center June 17, holding an informal talk about her craft. Madeline Wiener is known around the globe for her modern, whimsical figures, notably her “Bench People” that beg to be touched and sat upon.

Wiener studied fine arts at the New York School of Visual Arts. During that time, she sketched in galleries, favoring most often their sculptures. One of her mentors encouraged her to begin carving. She progressed to chisel, hammer and power tools to work in stone.

Wiener said she enjoys meeting with people in towns where her art will be installed, answering questions like how the sculpture came about, why she was selected to create such a thing, how it is created, and what materials are used.

This free event is open to the public and is hosted by CMC at 1402 Blake Ave. in Glenwood Springs. It will be held Monday, June 17, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

For more information, contact Annmarie Deter at or 970-947-8477.