Suburbs face imminent doom
Global warming. Tax inflation. Health care reforms. The war in Iraq. These threats are what come to any American’s mind when thinking of our nation’s most prominent dilemmas. Yet, Historical Preservation student and CMC blogger, Cathy Cooke claims that one of most pressing problems in America today are our dissolving suburbs.

The main cause of our suburb’s gradual disappearance seems to be for a number of reasons: the increase in oil prices, our CO2 emissions, and our reliance on automobiles and appliances. Americans are facing an unsustainable environment resulting in the evaporation of the comfortable living style that is commonly found in suburbia.
Check out the rest of Cathy’s report on “City or Suburbs” and how she believes the suburbs have more than just an effect on the health of its residents but their emotional, mental, and spiritual health seems to be in danger as well.