After graduation, Wojan plans to earn bachelor’s, work for NGO or nonprofit
This article first appeared in the Glenwood Post Independent.

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colorado —When Richard Wojan signed the dotted line for his volunteer stint with the organization Embrace Dignity last summer, he confesses that initially he had “no idea what I was really getting into.” But the summer he spent with the South African non-profit ended up being life altering for the CMC student.
“In my ten weeks volunteering, I was exposed to stories and people that have changed my entire perspective on life,“ says Wojan.
Embrace Dignity is a South African non-profit that works to eliminate prostitution by working with the South African government to write legislation that helps men and women exit from prostitution and punish clients instead. In South Africa, as in many countries, prostitution is a socioeconomic problem closely tied to human trafficking and to the lack of options created by intense poverty. Wojan spent nearly three months with the organization last summer, volunteering his business acumen and marketing skills.
If Wojan’s face looks mildly familiar, it’s likely because there’s a good chance you’ve recently seen him. The second-year Spring Valley business student took part in a campus photo shoot last October; his smiling face now graces CMC brochures and advertising all over the mountain region, including larger than life size posters in the train stations at DIA.
Wojan used the same good nature he exhibited in the campus photo shoot to find success in his work in South Africa. During his ten-week stint with Embrace Dignity, he initiated relationships with government departments to create support for Embrace Dignity’s programs and established partnerships with South African businesses to create training and employment opportunities for the organization’s clients. Since his return to the States, he has researched the South African trucking industry in an attempt to find materials that can be used to educate truckers and the general public about the relationship between prostitution and the spread of HIV.
New Directions
Wojan’s volunteer work in South Africa helped him solidify his career direction. Though he always knew he wanted to work in the business world, his work with Embrace Dignity opened his eyes to the social entrepreneurship potential in economically impoverished countries.
“After graduating from college, I hope to be in a developing country where I can work as a social entrepreneur,” says Wojan. “While in South Africa I saw so much potential in small business. So many families made a living off their corner shops, barbequed food, or crafts. Obviously these people have skills that are being under-utilized. Citizens of developing countries do not have the same access to education as we do here in the States, but that does not mean they cannot succeed. Using my education and business skills, I plan on helping rural populations start businesses and create a steady, and sustainable income for themselves and their families.”
The benefits of volunteering
Asked if he would encourage other CMC students to take part in a similar volunteer opportunity, Wojan answered with a resounding yes.
“If I answered this question a thousand times, I would say yes a thousand times! The way I immersed myself in the culture and the volunteer position made every day memorable. It doesn’t take a trip across the world to have a life-changing experience, it can happen at any point, just be open to change and doing new things. My advice would be to say yes to an offer to volunteer, to tutor, or to help a friend throw a party. You never know what it will lead to or whom you may meet.”
Wojan has taken his own words to heart during his two years at CMC. He volunteers with Student Government, PEAK Performance (a club that focuses on promoting healthy lifestyles through health education, nutrition, and physical activity), Phi Theta Kappa and Student Ambassadors. He was recently named to the 2012 Phi Theta Kappa All-Colorado Academic Team. “It was a great moment when I read the email, “ says Wojan. “ I was very surprised and so honored.”
What’s next?
The energetic CMC student, who says he had ‘always thought about going to a community college for his first two years of school, but couldn’t seem to find the right one until I found CMC,” will be transferring to finish his bachelor’s degree, pursuing an opportunity to run collegiate cross country while earning a business degree with an emphasis in social entrepreneurship. After graduation, he hopes to work for a non-government organization or non-profit working in the human trafficking field.
“My volunteer position with Embrace Dignity was invaluable in guiding me to what I have a newfound passion for,” says Wojan. ” I took many things away from my time volunteering in South Africa: the ability to see beyond my own problems, working to create change that will last far longer than me. Through the work I did with government agencies, business, and other non-profits, I know that the progress I made will continue long after I am around. I was able to work with others to create a better life for fellow human beings, something I will always be proud of.”