This article was published in the Glenwood Post Independent. By Will Grandbois.

When Colorado Mountain College student Rachel Williams entered 5 photos into the illustration category for the college photographer of the year competition, she didn’t expect to win gold– much less gold, bronze, and an award of excellence.
Williams, 20, is a self proclaimed military brat most recently from Colorado Springs. A photography and graphic design double major, she graduated from CMC’s two year photo program in May and later decided to pursue a bachelor’s.
Her work is a heady blend of postproduction vision and camera savvy, designed to make a statement or send a message.
The winning illustrations “Disagio”– “unease” in Italian– “Clipped Wings” and “Abandoned Soul” complete a surreal triptych dominating the five entry category. They can be viewed online at
Williams spoke to the Post Independent about how she stopped making pictures “of” things and started making pictures “about” things. Click for full article in the Post Independent