This post was originally published in See What I See. By Ali Gingras.

This past weekend was Ullr Fest in Breckenridge, which is the wackiest festival here all year.
Ullr is “the God of snow”, so of course we have to throw him a festival to please him. Usually I’m not stoked on Ullr Fest because of all the crazy people dressed as Vikings running around. This year I wanted to go down and watch the opening Ullr parade because we need all the support for snow we can get, but of course my car battery decided to die…. Anyway, the festival is filled with bonfires, crazy floats, “Ullympians” flinging frying pans for prizes and much more.
I think we may have please him because on Monday we got hit with a pretty good unexpected snowstorm. Breck and Keystone only faired with 5″ because of the wind, but Vail got up to 10″ in spots. I decided to ditch everyone (as the saying goes, ‘There’s no friend’s on a powder day!‘) and made the drive to Vail yesterday… so glad I did!!! Apparently it was as windy as a hurricane in Breck all day, but it was a sunny, beautiful, calm day over in Vail with hardly any lift lines! I’m really learning the mountain well now… It’s by far my favorite mountain period. Here are some pictures from my day.
I dedicate my shred day to you Sarah!!! (For more photos of Ali’s powder day in Vail and Ullr Fest wackiness, click here)