New Colorado Mountain College stickers create a stir.

New CMC stickers based on the Colorado flag have been wildly popular, with alumni as far as Sweden writing to request them. The new design was created to build on the growing popularity of the Colorado brand. The Colorado Tourism Office uses the Colorado “C” in its current campaign, and many businesses and organizations have used the basic design to “rep the homeland.”
The Colorado Mountain College Marketing Dept. is taking advantage of Colorado’s “brand equity” with the new design, positioning us more closely with the positive associations that people have about our beautiful state from the current tourism campaign and other efforts.
But this is not the logo.
The design for stickers, t-shirts and soon to come ball caps was created to present Colorado Mountain College in a fresh way.

A new logo would be a much bigger project. Rebranding an institution of this size and reach would require much work, expertise and internal discussion. It would go beyond just a logo and would be unveiled across the institution so that everyone was working from the same script.
So have fun with the Colorado flag design. Put the stickers all over the place. Let people know how much you love Colorado Mountain College. But please, don’t tell them that this is our new logo!