This article first appeared in the Vail Daily.

The third, independently organized TEDxVailWomen event, focused on women and girls, will be held Wednesday, Dec. 5, at Colorado Mountain College in Edwards.
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Organized by Vail’s Kat Haber with support from the Vail Symposium, the event is free and begins with live presentations from 4 to 5:30 p.m., followed by a dinner break and a video streaming of the TEDxWomen event in Washington, D.C., from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Live talks by local, regional, and nationally known women as well as a guest speaker from Israel make this event exciting for anyone interested in sharing new, innovative ideas about the world and our place in it. The theme for this year’s TEDxVailWomen is “The Space Between.” From the space between conversation and action, lies a gap of provocative ideas and threads from previous conferences, focusing on how women are less likely to approach subjects from a black-or-white perspective, focusing instead on the gray area in between. There is a curiosity in wanting to explore what is in between extremes, to gain the big picture and find the areas where we need more understanding and perhaps compromise. Women know that this is where life happens — the places between.
Featured speakers in the first half of TEDxVailWomen include: Shannon Galpin, founder of Mountain2Mountain; Susie Kincade, founder of Women’s Empowerment Workshop in Vail; Dr. Judith Landau, internationally known neuro-psychiatrist from Edwards; Andrea Lo, the 26-year-old founder of; Sharon Shay Sloan, a community steward, council trainer and rites of passage guide; Jammie Dummolt, Senior at Red Canyon High School in Eagle, and a delegate for Girls Learn International; and Eliana Gilad, coming from Israel and founder of Voices of Eden, the healing magic of ancient music.