Tag: rifle
CMC Rifle grads push hard, ‘try for something better’
Two ceremonies celebrate Rifle campus’s student success
CMC teacher interns give ‘ED Talks’ on rural education’s future
April talks held at four CMC locations
Prepararse para el futuro
Alumna de Rifle High School admitida a la solicitada carrera de Odontología de la Universidad de Colorado
Common Reader art and writing winners inspired by ‘Fig’
Winners include high school and CMC students plus community members
‘Empty Bowls’ fundraiser returns March 6
CMC Rifle and Grand River Meals on Wheels team up at popular lunch
‘Black History Live’ comes to CMC Spring Valley, Rifle
Performer Becky Stone becomes famed writer Maya Angelou, Feb. 26-27
CMC’s Boughton returning to Wyoming
Rifle campus dean and CMC vice president Carole Boughton leaving position Feb. 1
CMC Rifle commencement honors 80 graduates
Nearly 150 total Rifle students complete degrees, certificates fall semester