Tag: Events
‘All Creatures Great and Small’ an elegy for threatened animals
Nicolette Toussaint’s paintings featured at artist’s reception Sept. 13
New Ball Observatory to be dedicated at CMC Steamboat
Dr. Robert and Ann Ball to provide campus with astronomical capabilities Sept. 10
New CMC building named for philanthropist, banker Bob Young
J. Robert Young Alpine Ascent Center plus Outdoor Leadership Center & Field House dedicated at CMC Spring Valley
CMC launches first sanctioned cross country running team
Season opener Aug. 31 to highlight six newly signed runners
Public invited to attend dedication of new Spring Valley buildings
CMC Ascent Center open, Outdoor Leadership Center & Field House to open soon
A new class of nurses
Applications now available online for nursing degree program at CMC Steamboat Springs
CMC graduate? Free pancakes for you
Colorado Mountain College grads get free breakfast at Boom Days Aug. 4
Free lecture prior to July 31 AMFS concert: Behind the Music
CMC professor Tom Buesch to talk about pieces performed by the Aspen Philharmonic Orchestra