Dual enrollment saves big dollars for Eagle County students

EAGLE COUNTY — On college tuition checks, the numbers tend to contain more zeroes than your average congressional committee. As a group, local high school students save almost $1 million a year by taking college classes while still in high school. They’re called dual enrollment classes and the Eagle County school district ranks eighth among… Continue reading Dual enrollment saves big dollars for Eagle County students

Getting a head start on higher ed with concurrent enrollment

GLENWOOD SPRINGS ­– During this year’s springtime graduation season, Patrick Gucwa attended more than one commencement ceremony. The high school senior – one of his class’s seven valedictorians – received his diploma from Glenwood Springs High School. But several weeks earlier, he’d already participated in another graduation: the commencement exercises at Colorado Mountain College in… Continue reading Getting a head start on higher ed with concurrent enrollment

Our People

Nicole Loschke – Colorado Mountain College Dual Credit Student Nicole Loschke graduated from Grand Valley High School in Parachute with 36 dual-enrollment credits from Colorado Mountain College. She was also a student leader in the First Ascent Leadership program run by the College each summer for District high school students.