Summit County community gardens now serving nearly 2oo
This article first appeared in today’s Summit Daily News. By Janice Kurbjan.

When Breckenridge Community Garden comes into existence this summer, Summit County will tally five community gardens serving nearly 200 plot holders and one elementary school.
High Country Conservation Center has largely spearheaded the movement. They are heading up the Breckenridge garden and they also run Frisco’s The Living Classroom greenhouse and community garden. Nancy’s Garden and Silvana’s Community Garden service Frisco and Silverthorne, respectively, but are run through different agencies.
The new Breckenridge garden was supposed to be coupled with a recycling and educational facility nearby, at the corner of Airport and Coyne Valley Roads, but Summit County Government wanted to hold off for now to create a task force to examine some concerns before building the project.
High Country Conservation Center’s Jen Santry worked instead with Colorado Mountain College to put a community garden in place for this summer. If there’s enough interest, a second garden could spring up in the (for full article)