Looking for an outlet for your creativity? Colorado Mountain College will be sponsoring a Photo and Creative Writing contest!
The Details:
Photos and Creative Writing entries must be based on Kevin Michael Connolly’s Memoir Double Take, his art project Rolling Exhibition, and his visit to CMC sites in November.

The submissions must be themed to embody shifting perspectives: changing visual, social, cultural, or philosophical perspectives.
Six winners will be chosen (three in each category):
- Two First place prizes = $250 cash
- Two Second place prizes = $150 cash
- Two Third place prizes = $100 cash
All winning entries will be published online and in print in the December 2010 issue of Rocky Mountain Reflections.
Judging Criteria:
- Depiction of shifting perspective
- Clarity of concept
- Depth and levels of meaning
- Impact
- Composition
To enter:
Writing Contest Submissions:
Email submissions to CMC Arts and Literary Magazine, Rocky Mountain Reflections, at ylef@coloradomtn.edu. In the cover e-mail, please specify that your entry is for the Double Take Shifting Perspectives Contest.
Photo Contest Submissions:
Simple color-corrected or black and white images preferred. Obvious manipulation, composites, montages, etc., are discouraged and will be down-graded. Submit one JPEG image, max. file size of 2.0 MB (winner will need to provide higher resolution versions). Email Submissions to webmaster@coloradomtn.edu.
Deadline for submissions:
November 15, 2010. All CMC Staff, Faculty, Students, and Community Members are invited to participate. Check for updates and more information at https://coloradomtn.info/communities_friends/common_reader.