STEAMBOAT SPRINGS – January signals the beginning of a journey to reach a new planet, the first time NASA has launched such an effort since 1989. Between January and July NASA’s New Horizons robotic spacecraft will explore planet Pluto – yes, even the space agency says it’s a planet – and its five moons.
Steamboat Springs audiences will be able to learn about the much-anticipated flyby from University of Colorado professor of astrophysical and planetary sciences Dr. Fran Bagenal this month. Bagenal is a noted researcher in the fields of space plasmas and planetary magnetospheres. Among the planetary sciences missions she has worked on are the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Juno mission to Jupiter.
The free talk, hosted by Colorado Mountain College’s student astronomy club, the SKY Club, will be held at the Allbright Family Auditorium on the CMC campus in Steamboat at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 28.