The online world is a chaotic collision of computer science, arts, entertainment, politics, and current events. New media studies is a rapidly evolving discipline that focuses on this kaleidoscope digital world. New media studies melds the traditional fields of journalism, communications, and performing arts with the booming world of Web design, computer programming, video production, and human-computer interaction. It is a pioneering field that focuses on how society and technology are shaping one another.
A degree in New Media Studies lets you take your interest in blogs, websites, webcasts, interactive games, graphic design, and app development to the next level. It prepares you for a career in video and podcast production and provides a key to working in multimedia development, social media management, content marketing, and digital production creation.
Skills in verbal and written communication are among the most desirable characteristics sought by employers. When combined with digital literacy and hands-on experience in audio and video production, broadcasting, and digital development, the sky’s the limit for employment opportunities. As journalist Graham Snowdon explains, “While traditional print media may be in decline, journalistic and/or production skills in areas such as radio and video are highly valued by media organizations looking for new ways to reach internet audiences. People with bright ideas about how to get messages across to target audiences using new and social media should have no shortage of suitors.”
Whether you want to write a professional blog, work as a media researcher, or market a world-changing app, a degree in New Media Studies can give your dreams a boost. In a world where presidential speeches compete for attention with starlet wardrobe malfunctions and natural disasters, you will learn to stand out and ride your talents to the top.