Got a web-enabled handheld device? Check out our new mobile website! Now you have anywhere access to calendars, staff & faculty directory, news, blogs, maps and more!
Some cool features:
- Links to Campus locations via Google Maps and MapQuest
- Staff and Faculty Directory
- eNews and Twitter feeds
- Links to CMC Calendars
- A dynamic list of featured classes (from our Home Page) and link to WebAdvisor
- Feedback/Suggestion Form
If you have a web-enabled phone or hand-held device, such as an iPhone, go to our public website. You’ll either be automatically redirected to the mobile site, or see a link that will take you there. Or, type in the mobile site URL and go there directly:
Since January 1, 2010, the main Colorado Mountain College website has had over 8,000 visits from mobile devices. Leading the way in visits is the iTouch, followed by Android, iPod and Blackberry. With more and more content and apps being developed for mobile, the new Colorado Mountain College mobile site will grow with demand. Use the feedback form on the mobile site to tell the Marketing Department what you’d like to see on your handheld device.