Week-long First Ascent Youth Leadership enrolling students now – April 29 deadline

The First Ascent Youth Leadership program is now accepting applications for its free, week-long course at Colorado Mountain College’s campus in Leadville.
This is the 22nd anniversary of the program; it is an outdoor experiential course for students entering ninth and 10th grade in the fall of 2016. Dates this year run from Sunday, July 10, through Friday, July 15.
The program is available to students living in eight counties: Chaffee, Eagle, Garfield, Grand, Lake, Pitkin, Routt and Summit. Recommendations from a counselor, teacher or other adult are due at the end of April. To be considered for this summer’s program, applicants must submit the name and email address of the person who will recommend them by April 15.
First Ascent teaches leadership, problem solving, consensus building, conflict resolution and communication. Students live at CMC’s residential hall in Leadville, and build self-esteem through challenges such as rock climbing, summiting Mount Elbert and rafting the Arkansas River.
This year, the program will accept 40 students who show potential to be leaders and successful students. Counselors and staff are former graduates of the program, and students completing First Ascent can return to work as staff during future summers.
For more information and to apply, go to coloradomtn.edu/firstascent or contact First Ascent Youth Leadership Program Director Lizbeth Jacobs at 970-947-8357 or lvjacobs@coloradomtn.edu.