The Electric Vehicle Rally of the Rockies, an event created by electric car advocates to highlight the growing viability of electric cars as a regional transportation option, took place Friday, Oct. 3 and wrapped up at Colorado Mountain College in Carbondale. The event received coverage from CBS Denver, the Glenwood Post Independent, the Aspen Times and Vail Daily News. A reprint of the Post Independent article by Will Grandbois recapping the event is below.

As the line of seven electric vehicles passed through downtown Carbondale on Friday evening, the drivers did their best to make up for their nearly silent vehicles with horns and whoops, hoping to spread public awareness about the increasing viability of driving an electric car on the Western Slope.
Before converging for a party in Carbondale, the Electric Vehicle (EV) Rally of the Rockies toured prime fall colors from Grand Junction to Aspen to Vail.
The event, sponsored by Garfield Clean Energy, Clean Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER), the Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE), Colorado Mountain College, and the starting communities, comes as click for full article