Deadline to sign-up for spring break study abroad program Dec. 13

Chichicastenango, Santiago Atitlan, Antigua, the Ixil region, Panajachel, the ancient Mayan ruins of Tikal National Park. The names of Guatemala’s Highlands villages sound as magical as the landscapes they’re within.
Adventurous travelers can earn six credits in art and political science with CMC while exploring these lands and learning about Mayan cultural identity, Guatemala’s civil war and its post-conflict transition in Colorado Mountain College’s “Guatemala: Culture and Resistance” Study Abroad program.
During this twelve-day trip, students will have the opportunity to meet the artists, politicians and activists who are shaping today’s Guatemalan culture. The course begins Jan. 24, 2014, with travel dates of March 6-17. The deadline for registration and payment is this Friday, Dec. 13, 2013. Sign up now! For more information, contact:
Bob Gumbrecht at 970.870.4484 | or
Cynthia Zyzda 970.870.4432 |