It’s back. Colorado Mountain College’s popular East Africa Study Abroad returns in 2015. If you missed your chance to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro, immerse yourself in new cultures, gain an understanding of globalization first-hand, and visit famed African landscapes with CMC in 2013, you’ve got another chance coming up next year. East Africa Abroad 2015 offers CMC students an opportunity to earn five credits in geography and outdoor studies while traveling in Kenya and Tanzania Dec. 29, 2014 – Jan 12, 2015.
The value of such cultural immersion is inestimable, according to CMC students and faculty who took part in the East Africa Study Abroad 2013 program.
“Seeing how other people do things both differently and the same in a whole other part of the world is just incredible,” said CMC student Paul Barish, “The trip pushed me to pursue a career in international guiding and gave me the skills to begin. It was the trip of a lifetime.”
“This trip adds incredible life-changing, global value to a student’s college experience,” adds CMC Leadville faculty Trey Shelton, one of the lead instructors of the course. “Through working directly with local guides and porters, visiting students at a rural primary school, and spending time with local entrepreneurs striving to improve their environment and opportunities for their community, students experience the geography of a place and culture first hand.”
Intrigued? You can find out more about CMC’s East Africa Abroad and other programs on CMC’s International Programs webpage. Informational meetings specifically about the East Africa program are a great place to find out more –– and also get your initial trip questions answered. Upcoming trip info meetings will be held at CMC in Leadville, Carbondale and Buena Vista in February and March. Check the schedule below:
•February 10, 6:00 pm: CMC Leadville campus cafe, Room 701
•March 6, 6:00 pm: CMC Leadville campus café. Room 701
•March 24, 6:30pm: Buena Vista Roastery, Buena Vista
•March 31, 6:30pm: Lappala Center, Carbondal, Room 101
For more information contact Trey Shelton at tshelton@coloradomtn.edu or call 719-486-4253