WebAdvisor will be sole source for online class schedule search

Colorado Mountain College class search page
The search tool for Colorado Mountain College classes (above) will be deactivated on Monday, June 27. Students can search for classes on WebAdvisor, PDF or Flipbook schedules.

The Colorado Mountain College searchable online class schedule has developed several problems that are costly to fix on a system that is increasingly difficult to maintain. Because the data on this site is no longer reliable, this custom built online service will be deactivated late Monday, June 27. The College will concentrate its efforts instead on WebAdvisor which provides class schedule information and registration/payment in one system.

The primary difference is that WebAdvisor currently only searches keywords that are found in the class title. When using a keyword search in WebAdvisor at this time, users may not be able to find classes that don’t have the main keyword in the title. CIS-118 Introduction to PC Applications is a good example of this: several software applications (Word, Excel) are taught under this course title, but searching for “Word” or “Excel” in WebAdvisor won’t return the specific class because those terms are not in the title.

Alternative searches can be done either by subject within WebAdvisor or by downloading either the PDF or Flipbook version of the printed class schedule.

This action hasn’t been taken lightly. Several months ago, the WebAdvisor work group recommended switching to WebAdvisor for class search. The work group also recommended enhancements to create a more robust search and clearer navigation in WebAdvisor. CMC hopes to have some of this in place during fall semester.

The goal is to provide the best possible experience for our students using the tools that are available. CMC staff will use feedback already received via the website and the Help Desk to guide us forward.