CMC Leadville, the highest altitude college campus in the country, hopes to raise awareness for backcountry safety and avalanche education through Twitter.
Colorado Mountain College Leadville students study a fracture line.
One thing is for sure in Leadville, Colorado; Leadville Knows Snow. At, 10,200 feet above sea level, snow isn’t just precipitation, it is a culture. This past winter has proven impressive in terms of powder accumulation, but with big snow years come big slide years. Colorado Mountain College in Leadville is an excellent community resource for those looking to educate themselves on avalanches and backcountry safety. CMC Leadville is dedicated to using the knowledge and experiences of their avalanche educators to raise awareness and help prevent unnecessary tragedies from occurring. Look to the @CMCLeadville twitter account from March 9-15th, for informative facts and helpful resources related to avalanche awareness and backcountry safety.
Roger Coit, an avalanche awareness instructor and EMS/Outdoor Studies Professor at Colorado Mountain College in Leadville, stresses the importance of looking to the experts, like the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) and the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE). “We hope that students leave our Avalanche Awareness class with a respect and a healthy fear of big snow. We provide the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and experience required to make safe decisions while growing your abilities and practicing your skills in a safe environment.
Followers of the @CMCLeadville twitter will be able to follow the hashtag #AvySavvyCMC to track daily facts, links to trusted experts, images and resources.
For more information regarding the #AvySavvyCMC efforts, please contact Mollie Sorenson or Lauren Swanson.