Digital Media Production Careers Require Training

If you like working with cameras, camcorders, microphones, and video and audio editing software you’ll love training for a digital media production certificate. Working with digital media involves creating and editing videos, animation, soundtracks, and films. The need for digital media producers is growing daily in the television, Web, gaming, and advertisement industries.


Digital media production training involves developing the creative and technical skills necessary to work with software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, and Final Cut Pro. It also teaches how to deal with clients, work with other professionals, manage new projects, and stay on the cutting edge of new technologies.

This facet of New Media is the collaborative process of creating memorable imagery and sound meant to inform, express, persuade—and sometimes—subvert. It provides a means of expressing opinions, artistic performances, and stories through sound and pictures. With an average annual salary of more than $63,000, digital media production is not only imaginative and fun—it also pays better than the average job. And figures show that there will be a nearly 20 percent increase in employment for digital media producers in the next five years. During the course of study, you will build a portfolio that will be of great value when applying for these jobs.

With a host of evolving technologies changing the way people learn, communicate, and entertain themselves, digital media producers are finding themselves in great demand in an industry that is expanding every day.