‘Moonshine in Breckenridge’ this weekend

Weekend getaway offers luxury, learning and history

This weekend Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge hosts a two-day getaway centered on fine dining and spirits, set in a historical context.

On Saturday, July 28, learn from distiller Jordan Via how mountain snowmelt has helped to create Gold Medal-winning Breckenridge Bourbon Whiskey, made by Breckenridge Distillery. Then listen as chef Carolyn Deal shares her secrets of cooking with spirits, and enjoy the benefits of her exemplary skills with a five-course dinner. After dinner explore the historic saloons of Breckenridge with local Mike McManus.

On Sunday, July 29, meet at the Barney Ford Museum for a walking tour of Breckenridge hosted by local historian Sheryl Kutter. The weekend wraps up with lunch at a historic site.

Cost for this weekend of learning, dining and exploration is $175 per person. For more information and to register, contact Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge at 970-453-6757.